Attacks have one of four different damage types: slashing,
blunt, piercing, and magic. There are also seven types of
elemental damage: null, fire, ice, lightning, earth, light,
and dark. Attack monsters with the damage type or element
they're weak against for extra damage.
Damage Types & Elements

Elemental Affinity & Weaknesses
Monsters have an elemental affinity and weakness, which fall
into the following pairs: fire vs. ice, lightning vs. earth,
and light vs. dark. Hitting a monster with their elemental
opposite will do more damage; using the same element will
barely leave a scratch. Null element attacks have no special
Monster Encyclopedia
Check your Monster Encyclopedia from the main menu for
information on monster species, habitats, elemental
affinities, and weaknesses to give you the upper hand when
facing a difficult foe.
Recovering Health

Press the L Button to recover HP with a Healing Potion. Each
hero can only carry two Healing Potions per expedition, which
will automatically refill upon returning to Base Camp. You can
also interact with animals found throughout the Abyss to heal
You'll be knocked out if your HP reaches zero, but a
Healing Potion will put you right back on your feet.
However, you'll recover less HP compared to when you use
the potion yourself. If you're knocked out with no
Healing Potions left, you'll fail the expedition and
return to Base Camp. You'll also lose some of the items
you found.