


Voice Actor: EN: Bill Butts, JP: Takahiro Fujimoto

September 16

Spell-Slinging Sorcerer


Grew up alongside many brothers and sisters.
Since they weren't very wealthy, everyone had
to work to make ends meet.
He hated watching his siblings suffer, and
so decided to learn the art of alchemy to
make a living.
After a mere three years, his intellect and abilities surpassed even that of the world's most renowned alchemists.

So great was his skill that he soon amassed a sizeable following of admiring apprentices.
But in a world without words, none of them could quite keep up with his genius.
While he tried his best to communicate through simple vocalizations and invented scripts, these would mysteriously vanish as soon as they manifested.

"How can I pass on my knowledge without words?" he thought. "There must be some way to break this spell constraining our speech..."
Determined to find an answer, he set off on a journey, his carefree smile masking confident conviction.

As if guided by a divine hand, the Caster eventually found himself standing before the Great Crystal.

  • Base Class
from princess
He's an incredibly talented alchemist!
I've watched him concoct one wonder after another without a single screw-up.
Before he joined us, I think he'd cut corners or make subtle mistakes on purpose to discourage requests to teach others.
I can certainly see how trying to share one's knowledge without any words might prove frustrating...
Princess's Notes
He's curious about anything and everything.
As for food, he loves fruit sandwiches.
They're a quick, convenient way to satisfy his sugar intake while leaving one hand free for work!
He doesn't seem very fond of pickled things...
But my kingdom's turnips taste so sweet and delicious!
I'm sure he'd enjoy one of our pickled turnips if he only gave them a chance!
Hobbies & Skills
He knows how to play the lute!
I've had the pleasure of hearing him perform many times around our little Base Camp.
There's his father, mother...seven younger brothers, and five younger sisters...!
Such a big family! Those kids must get up to so much mischief. ♪
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